Friday, February 23, 2007

Libtards are not just Liberals

In the last election, a lot of libertarians I know, and some that I just read, decided to teach the Republicans a lesson, and vote for Democrats. "That will show them," I can hear them thinking..

Guess again dumb asses..

House Bill 1350- Legalizing gay marriage

House Bill 1473 - Allowing convicted felons to vote

House Bill 4005 - Government-run universal health care

House Bill 1014 - Regulates storage of firearms

House Bill 1026 - Regulates sales at gun shows

For a better list, go to Mr. Completely, where I first read of this. (His other stuff ain't bad either)

Now this is happening in the lovely state of Washington, but you can bet your bottom dollar that similar things are sure to "pop up" in Washington D.C. in the near future..

Some already have...

My head hurts.

That is all...


Cappy said...

Yep. Had 'em here in Ohio with a perfectly good conservative gov. candidata. But THEY HAD TO SHOW 'EM! They sure did. All the way to ridiculous liberal BS.

The Conservative UAW Guy said...

'Bout due for a posty, ain't cha?

Mr. Completely said...

Haven't heard from you in a while. You OK?

....... Mr. C.

Anonymous said...

Too much work, and not enough daylight.. Working 3 jobs, and trying to finish an add on project at the house, makes for exactly ZERO spare time..

But as Arnold said in the terminator... Ah'll be bahck!

The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Ready when you are!

Anonymous said...

RedNeck Nation is alive and well... and living on this Blog