Monday, January 08, 2007

Thursday Range Bag IV

I don't think that I'll get to much of an argument that the shotgun is ultimate home defense weapon. And if you don't agree with it, then well, your wrong...

What can be debated , is brand and configuration. In the very first Range Bag installment, I showed you my set up, and after mentioning it in a different post, I was asked to post a picture of it, and tell a little about it.

I call it my "assault shotgun", because every time I have shown it to someone that doesn't shoot, they have mentioned how mean that it looks.. A couple of liberal wussies probably wet their pants, but I couldn't verify it..

So without further ado, here it is..

It is a Mossberg 500, originally equipped with a cruiser grip, 8 round magazine, and an 18.5 inch barrel with a heat shield. In that configuration, well lets just say, shooting it wasn't fun. The first and last time I shot it with the original cruiser handle, a 3 inch #4 turkey load nearly broke my wrist, and I have pretty strong wrist.

So instead of adding a standard stock to it. I put in an order to Knoxx Industries for one of their recoil absorbing stocks.

This version had the flip down shoulder stock, so it maintained the short profile for close quarters movement. I feel that this is the number 1 feature that my shotgun offers. In halls or closets, you can move with ease, and if you need better long range accuracy, you can deploy the shoulder bar in less that a second.

The recoil absorption is so impressive that you can fire a 3 inch magnum 1 ounce slug, one handed, and barely tell you have shot anything stronger than a .357 revolver.

The only other mods I have done to it is to polish the slide arms and rails. The "slickety slack" of the pump is buttah I tell ya, and can be cycled one handed as well. I do have a drop grip, a la ar15, which completes that upgrades.

So for a total of about 315.00 I have what I consider the best home defense set up that you can buy. If you have anything better, I'd definitely love to hear about it..

Well there you are Jimmy B, my assault shotgun...


The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Nice, R.
Beautiful and utile at the same time.

r_mate_e said...

Maybe one day you can shoot it!