Friday, December 15, 2006

Dukies cleared by DNA, but the case still rolls along?

What in the name of God is it going to take for the authorities to drop these charges?? An admission from the trollop herself??

Her friends have said that she is lying. The girl that was with her said she is lying. The DA has been proven to have lied on several occasions, and withheld evidence that clears the boys in question.. He even bald faced lied today in court, and the stupid freaking judge doesn't do anything. And now, DNA evidence said that she had sex with SEVERAL different men who deposited semen, but not a single DNA molecule was from the three Duke lacrosse boys. If they had unprotected ejaculatory sex with this man hole, wouldn't there be at least a drop somewhere. Since she had several other earlier deposits hanging in there, that answer is yes..

I swear, the way the court system is today, if they had really raped a 5 year old, they'd already be out on good behavior already.

Anyone want to bet that DA Nifong is a Democrat?

I thought not.

That is all...


Anonymous said...

I'm almost convinced that they're covering for OJ Simpson on this one.

David Codrea said...

No, I don't want to take that bet.

r_mate_e said...

Thanks for the verification David.

I hear his campaign slogan was: "I fight for justice, as long as it fits my political goals."