Thursday, December 14, 2006

How do you train??

I think it is the responsibility of every CCW license holder to be proficient with their firearm of choice. As such, I go to the range as often as the situation allows to do just that.

As part of that proficiency, I read A LOT about training methods and the results of real world force on force encounters.

Recently, I have read a lot about a quick move laterally being the best tack to take, should you find yourself in a force on force situation. In most articles and books I have read, that a quick 4-6 foot move right or left, out of the line of fire, will make a BG miss over 75% of the time on his first shot. Professionals simulating force on force have stated that this movement was the hardest to overcome when encountered.

So, I have adapted my training to this thinking. I now practice drawing while simultaneously moving a quick “hop” to the right or left, firing off a quick double-tap, move laterally again, a second double-tap, then a final move to cover with a final Mozambique (double-tap center mass – Head shot)

I have to tell you that it is a challenge to keep all 7 shots minute of torso when moving in this fashion. I used to set up scenarios like a pistol competition, moving from station to station while firing. I got pretty damn good at it too. But in hindsight now, I don’t think it would help me a whole lot if I ever encountered a scum bag threatening me and mine. The main objective is to keep ourselves and more importantly, our loved ones alive. I really believe a “move-shoot-move” action will maximize that goal, and would recommend that you look into it too, if your serious about personal and family protection..

Stay tuned for next Thursdays "range bag" installment, when I will convince you that a Glock is the best choice for self defense and concealed carry.

That is all...


Anonymous said...

Train? Wow, there's an idea. I collect. I shoot. I carry (legally). But I don't have the discipline to train, I just figure I can hit somebody before I unload the chamber.

And my choice, I'm a Bond fan. PPK baby.

r_mate_e said...

Coincidentially, I used to build Wather PPK's. the American version in .380.

I also used to test shoot all of them. So if yours was built anywhere from 91 to 95, I probably shot it..

I also was not real proud of them. The manufacturer I was working for at the time had lousy cnc machinery. It was impossible to keep the tight tollerances that walther demanded. I don't think there was a spec over 2 thousandths of an inch anywhere on the gun.

Fletch said...

Glock?! The devil you say! *Rabble rabble rabble!*

Just kidding; I look forward to your thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Actually, I have a newer one...but also one from (I THINK) '92. Odd to have randomly found a guy that shot and built weren't the inspector #12 that tested my underwear too were you???

r_mate_e said...

LOL Not me. I was inspector 07..

I still have nightmares about those stupid cocking pieces in those PPK's. If they were 1 thousandts too big, they wold lock up afer every shot, and if they were a thousandts too small they may or may not go full auto with no warning..

Yep, ET a glock. Used to be a 1911 man, and stil have one, but the glock is my carry gun now..