Monday, December 11, 2006

Bat Day

I laughed til I hurt when I watched this video. For all I know, it may have been all over the internet for months, but this is the first I have seen of it.

Bat Day

Here is an excerpt...

"The other day, a friend of mine carried his kid to Yankee Stadium to watch a game. It took two and a half fuckin hours to get in the joint. Security was checking bags, and pockets. They were confiscating nail files and pin knife's. Meanwhile its fuckin Bat Day, and their handing out fifty fuckin thousand baseball bats.

"That got me to thinking, the airlines ought to get in on this fuckin racket. For every passenger that gets on a plane, the ought to give them a fuckin Louisville Slugger..."

That is the best airline security idea I have heard yet...

Go listen to it all!

That is all


Ride Fast said...

That was my idea on Sept. 12, 2001.
"Batons in all seat backs."

Mr. C. linked you in a post, whihch is how I found your site.

Your site banner is wonderful. I'm linking you on that alone.


r_mate_e said...

Thanks for the visit and comment Foder. They are appreciated!