Thursday, December 07, 2006

The day of infamy.. Then and Now


On the solemn anniversary on the 2nd largest attack on our country, I want to take a look at what has happened to us in the 60+ years since. There is a parallel, and one we need to get past if we are to win this fight against our most grievous enemy.

Have you ever thought of why Japan is now our ally??

Sure, we rebuilt a lot of their destroyed infrastructure, and sent in a lot of money to help out with other things, but do you think that is the main reason??

If you do, you are wrong. I’ll agree that our cordial treatment of the Japanese after their surrender, paved the way for them to become an ally. But it was our willingness to completely destroy them that drove the car..

Don’t believe it? Let’s look at the other “major wars” we’ve fought since then, and how those enemy’s view and treat us now..

  • Korea - Learned that America no longer had the stomach to do what was necessary to achieve victory.

  • Vietnam - Same as above, plus learned that the American liberal movement, and a willing liberal press, could be manipulated into effecting sentiment. This ultimate propaganda tool could help a vastly overpowered force effectively neuter their more powerful enemy by making their leaders fight a more “humane and nuanced” war to try to win back support for the conflict at home.. When that doesn’t pacify the libtards, we leave. The slaughter of millions of one time allies in the aftermath proves to the world that while the US military is formidable, the country as a whole is a paper tiger.

  • Iraq I - after completely whipping the 4th largest military force on the planet, in record time, we again show the world that we do not have the intestinal fortitude to finish the job. As such, we leave Sadam in power, and sell our Kurd allies up the river for their trouble. Again, we leave valuable friends in the line of fire when we leave, and untold scores of people die as a result of our leader’s cowardice. (Bush I, answer your phone)

  • Afghanistan and Iraq II - In record time again, the mighty US Armed Forces kick an enemy’s ass only to be pulled back before overwhelming victory could be achieved. This time it only took the press a week or so before they started undermining our efforts. So now we sit here 4 years in. We have made it better for the average Iraqi, but the terrorist have learned the real truth, that our leaders don’t have the guts to obliterate them. There was a brief flicker that we did have that resolve, when the image of the towers collapsing was still fresh in our collective mind. But today, fresh on the heels of capitulating Dems being thrust into power a few weeks ago, that flicker of hope was extinguished like a candle in a hurricane.

So there it is in a small little nut-shell. Our reluctance to completely destroy an enemy has convinced every two bit dictator on the planet that they can say or do anything to the US and its allies, and pretty much get away with it. Even if we take them out of power, they know that with the liberal media harping that we are the scourge of the Earth for defending ourselves, their movement will survive, nay, be invigorated, by our lack of resolve.


Anonymous said...

You are so right. We have the technical ability to win any enguagement we choose... We just have to have the where with all to follow through.

r_mate_e said...

The sad part is tat if Bush jr had just done what needed doing in the early part of the war, with the short attention span of people in this day and time, the bad parts whould have been forgotten already..

r_mate_e said...

Also, thanks for stoppinig by..