Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ultimate Home er.. Ship Defense Choice

Mossberg 500 w/ Knoxx Comp stock folder

The blogosphere is litered with post debating what the best home defense weapon is. Opinions are as plentiful as rectums I reccon, so one more shouldn't hurt eh...

Here's mine...

Arrr... Ain't she a beaut..

Right out of the box, she featured 7+1 three inch shells or 8+1 two and three-quarter inch shells. And as a bonus, it came with and EVIL, scarry looking anti finestein heat shield... Arrrrrrrr. It warms me old heart just looking at her. (the gun, not that wench fienstein)

After shooting a regular 2 3/4 inch #8 bird-shot load with the original cruiser handle that came on the Mossy, well lets just say that a call to Knoxx was made the very next day. I also added a pump that had a rail for add on goodies. All total: 225.00 for the NIB Mossburg, 95.00 for the Compstock, and 15.00 for the pump. All tolled, 330.00 for what in my opinion is the best home defense set-up for the money on this here planet. If you got better, I'd love to see it..

Knoxx offers 2 different recoil absorbing assemblies. The Cop stock, and the above pictured comp stock. I chose the comp stock for its compactness. Maneuvering in tight quarters is never a problem with the butt folded up as seen above. But if a long shot is required, the butt can be brought to action in about .5 seconds.

In this configuration, my wife can fire 3 inch magnum buckshot and slugs WITHOUT the need for the butt stock. The recoil absorption is that impressive. As a bonus, the loop of the flipped up butt stock frames a beautiful sight picture when brought up to eye level.

Also, I've heard from a buddy that Big Green (Remington to the uninitiated) has made a deal with Knoxx, and will feature them on several of their Turkey Magnums this year..

Arrrrr. It warms me old heart to see a small company make it big... Sniff Sniff..

Ahem.. Enough blubberin.. If ye wanna protect your ship, home, castle, whatever, you could do a lot worse that this set-up. The fun factor alone is worth the price of admission. The looks on the faces at the range after your have loosed 8 rounds of 3" magnum, in rapid succession, are worth twice the price. Lastly, watching an anti-gunner pee their pants at the sight of this EVIL looking incarnation, but then smiling with glee after firing it is priceless, but that is a post for another day..

That is all...

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