Thursday, November 02, 2006

Spongebob Diplomacy

I don't recall where this item came from, but the "mate_e" clan has a Spongebob Squarepants alarm clock.. It alarms with a little annoying song featuring Spongebob, and the evil Plankton, the arch villian in the show.

For some reason, that song ran through my head yesterday, and it occurred to me that all of our foreign policy problems could be solved by taking this advice. Just have a little fun

In the song Spongebob is trying to convince Plankton that they can have fun together.

Here are the lyrics to the song:

Spongebob: It's not about winning, it's about fun!

Plankton: What's that?

Spongebob: Fun is when''s kinda...sorta like a...

What is fun?? HERE...Let me spell it for you!


F is for Friends who do stuff together.

U is for You and me.

N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.

Sea Creatures:

Down here in the deep blue sea!

No, that is not the solution to our foreign problems, Plankton's idea of fun, however, might just be the ticket...


F is for Fire that burns down the whole town.


N is for No survivors (done as he holds aloft a defiant little fist)

arrr... That be the ticket. I personally guarantee that if one of the axis of evil were delt with in this f.u.n way, the others would crumble.

Who knew... Screw the whole department of State. All we need is a $19.95 plastic alarm clock to put the Arrrr. back in Arrrmerica!!!

That is all...


Fletch said...

Hmm, I suspect I've been on the blog rounds a bit too much. When I saw the picture of the clock, the first thing I saw was "F- the UN"

I'm going to go stare at a lake or something...

r_mate_e said...

Sounds like a plan..

Thanks for the visit.