Monday, November 06, 2006

Wuss of the Week

As a weekly feature of this blog, I will be handing out the Wuss of the Week award. Feel free to nominate someone you feel is worthy.

This week’s award winner is…. Finland!!!!

You can’t call an entire country a bunch of wussies you say. Well, maybe not every single person in that county, but the leaders are definitely a bunch of effeminate asswipes.

The European Union urged Iraq on Sunday not to carry out the death sentence passed on Iraq's former leader Saddam Hussein after his conviction for crimes against humanity.

"The EU opposes capital punishment in all cases and under all circumstances, and it should not be carried out in this case either," Finland, current holder of the rotating EU presidency, said in a statement.

Well, given that, I am wrong.. It doesn't happen often... : o )

This week’s Wuss of the Week is… The EU!!!!

If you can show me a bigger bunch of wimps & pussies on this planet, I’ll kiss your ass.

And before you say it, Democrats doesn’t count. They are all one and the same.. wEUssies and Wussocrats.

That is all…

1 comment:

Fletch said...

This comment is not regarding the post, and is only to convey a message to you.

I'm not sure when you read my glock thoughts, but I've added some embellishments that I think you might enjoy.

I usually get the post to a semi-final state, post, read it, and make final changes after that.

Hope you enjoy my frivolity. You may delete this comment after reading it.