Monday, November 27, 2006

N.Y. Times Loses Supreme Court Bid to Shield Records From U.S.

In a story that is failing to get alot of screen time for the major media outlets, The NY Times (Traders Inc. if you ask me) lost their bid to shield their phone records from Justice Department officials.

The justices today turned away the New York Times Co.'s bid for an emergency order in the case, which stems from a 2001 investigation into two Islamic charities. Patrick Fitzgerald, the U.S. attorney in Chicago, is using a grand jury to investigate who in the government leaked information to the Times about planned raids on the charities' offices.

But it is your right to know they whine..

They also think it is your right to have your body riddled by shrapnel following an attack. Or to have your noggin removed from its perch on your shoulders by a sharp heavily swung blade. You also have the right to have your lungs exploded by the pressure of an explosive device, while sitting on a bus or subway train..

What you do not have the right to expect, is for the countries supposed "Newspaper of Record" to have any morals when deciding to publish things that will obviously put lives in danger. We also apparently don't have the right to question them on the lawfulness of their decisions..

Lastly, if still have a subscription to this piece of shit paper, and judging from the circ numbers, alot of you don't, but if you do, my friend, you are a freaking moron!!!

That is all...

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