Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Herman Munster..er..Janet Reno files motion

Former Attorney General Janet Reno and seven other former Justice Department officials filed court papers Monday arguing that the Bush administration is setting a dangerous precedent by trying a suspected terrorist outside the court system.

Has there ever been a less attractive person??? I mean she makes Rosanne Barr look like a freaking playboy bunny!

Women, instead of saying you have a headache for the fourth night in a row, tape a picture of Reno to the headboard and I can guarantee you that shrinkage will occur.

Back to my point...

Besides being the most hideous looking human (not just female) on the face of the Earth, Janet freakin Reno has a gigantic sack of balls to even think of lecturing ANYONE on rights violations.

Wasn't it her decision to flush the branch dividians out in Waco, Texas??? Seems to me she tried and convicted them outside the court system.. I guess that incendary device was just a mistake and not on purpose huh??

Also Reno, ever heard of Ruby Ridge??

I thought so...

That is all

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